Sunday, April 19, 2015

Urban Gardening: Season 3

Well it's that time of year again when cherry blossoms start to bloom around the city and bulbs start to pop up in public and private gardens.  While some people are trying to figure out which basketball teams will make it to the final four, urban gardeners are trying to narrow down the final fruit and vegetable which will make it into their gardens. 

This spring I vowed to start on the garden before the weeds took over.  While I was a few weeks earlier than last year, the water was still turned off and the weeds were over a foot high.  On the upside, it rained the night before so the weeds were a bit easier to pull up. 

Two hours and four wheelbarrow loads later I could finally see the dirt, Frank was found and so were the rest of my gardening tools.  There were still a lot of weeds in the ground, but after a quick till most of them came loose.

This year eighteen different kinds of flowers and vegetables will be planted at the community garden and bunch of herbs have already made it into planters at home.  A few plants will be taken out and replaced as the summer wares on and I get a jump on the fall harvest.   

All of the plants went in with out a hitch and there was no room to spare!  It doesn't look like much right now, but give it a few weeks and things will, hopefully, be sprouting away.  Gardening, a lesson in patience.  

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