Saturday, March 29, 2014

Annapolis Beer Festival 5K

While I wish that the below statement was true, there was no training involved for this 5k run.  For several weeks Dan and I have had the Annapolis Beer Festival 5k on the calendar so a little rain and wind would not hold us back (although PJ's and a day of movies also sounded enticing). 

After huddling with the other runners under the tents we hit the trail - Katey and I were with the "I am here for the beer" wave where Dan was in the it to win it group.  Little did we know there were beer tents along the loop which made for a pleasant surprise.  Lap 1 was pretty solid, but things were getting muddy pretty quickly.  Half way through lap 2 we ditched the run and started beer and cider tasting.  On the final lap we found Dan and ran between tents as the rain continued to fall.  

The rain couldn't stop us (some free swag helped too)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Holy Headwind!

Another perfect spring day for the books, aside from all things headwind and crosswind related.  

Today we headed out for what we thought would be a smooth 40 mile ride, but what we forgot to factor in was the wind factor.  Although we rode in a giant loop, we seemed to hit a cross/headwind for most of it.  WOMP WOMP!!

As with all Bike and Build rides, you have to stop at every local landmark/amusement and today was no exception.  During the last third of the trip we came across a giant slide - it was a cross between a carnival slide and a bowling alley lane. 

And away we go!  Wearing spandex definitely gave us an edge. 

It is of course all fun and games until someone gets hurt.  At the bottom there was a pile up of kids and as I was trying to slow myself down I got my finger caught in one of the side boards. 

We even remembered to get a picture of everyone in their B&B swag 
SUS '12, SUS '14, SUS '14 and P2S '13 represented.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Day of Spring!!

Well Mother Nature finally got the memo and it was a gorgeous day for tours!!  
Nothing like getting paid to be outside and on a bike all afternoon/evening.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We are snowed in again so I decided to take a friend up on her FB post and look into the history of St. Patrick's Day.  Here are a couple of quick facts:
  • It is celebrated on March 17th each year (duh) the day St. Patrick died
  • St. Patrick is the most commonly recognized patron saint of Ireland
  • Lenten restrictions of drinking alcohol and eating were lifted for this holiday
  • St. Patrick used the shamrock to preach about the trinity.
  • St. Patrick's color was originally blue NOT green like it is today
  • For more tidbits, check out some videos made by the History Channel

Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Pi Day

The earliest known celebration of pi day was in 1988 at the San Francisco Exploratorum and the tradition continues in high school and college classrooms (and among those of us who need an excuse to eat pie).
Fun facts about pi:
  • It is the most recognized mathematical constant in the world
  • It has been calculated to over one trillion digits
  • It will continue infinitely without repetition or pattern
  • Impress your friends with some other random pi facts
Don't feel like making an entire pie?  I don't blame you because it can be kind of a pain.  Head on over to the Trader Joe's website for some super easy single serve hand pies.  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

First Hint of Spring

Well the saying may go that "March comes in like a lion, but goes out like a lamb," but today was one of those glorious spring days we have all been waiting for after a brutially cold and snowy winter.  You may be wondering where this phrase comes from (I know I was) so here it goes.  As March is known for its variable temperatures (ie one minute you might be walking around in shorts and the next you are digging out that snow shovel).  Some say it originated around the same time constellation folklore stories began. The Constellation Leo, a lion, begins to cross the meridian at the beginning of March.  As the month winds down, Aires, the ram, begins to take its place.  Others say the phrase originated during the 17th Century as it shows up in both a book written by John Ray and later in the Ames Almanack

Today was the beginning of the bike tour season and we could not have asked for better weather.
65 and sunny!!

In other news I am half way through the #100happydays project and got this one of the once again empty reflecting pool.  I am sure there will be many more to come as the tour season takes off and the Cherry Blossoms start to bloom (peak blossom season will start around April 8th). 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

New Nutrition Label

When I was in the Pittsburgh Health Corps, I was responsible for pulling together montly health education games for a variety of clinics.  One month Maria, the other trusty AmeriCorps at Health Care for the Homeless, and I decided to teach a nutrition class.  While nutrition information seems to change constantly, we decided to stick to the basics and cover the new food "pyramid" now known as My Plate and how to read a nutrition label.

Did you know that nutrition labels were not mandated until 1990?  
As a baby of the 80s this was pretty mind blowing!

Here is a comparison of the label we have now and what is being proposed:

Some of the big changes include:
  • Serving sizes will be more reflective of American eating patters.  For example ice cream containers would list a cup of ice cream instead of a half cup
  • Added sugars will be labeled.  This will help distinguish between natural sugars in foods and processed sugars which are added
  • The number of calories will be listed in big bold text, as well as the number of servings per package

Monday, March 3, 2014

Flying Stright into Titan

Well it's time for another PBI wrap up.  This time I escaped all things winter and snow in Baltimore and flew down to Palm Beach to visit my grandparents.

Everyday the weather was sunny and 80 degrees.  #sorryimnotsorry

Memere and I played some tennis and for the first time were entered into Saturday's Doubles "tournament" as a pair!  Not to worry, we were victorious. 

There was some strolling down Worth Avenue post Sunday brunch.

And after several modes of transport I have arrived back in Baltimore which means back to the cold, snowy weather.  I guess it is karma for all the great weather.  When is spring again?